It’s been a while that I have been searching for it. I lost my bag. people might think about how bad it can be to lose a bag. but I cried and whined just cause I lost you might be wondering what is it that I carried in my bag. then I must tell you that it might not be that important to you. but it is to me. I have searched for it everywhere in my house. I mean every single corner but couldn’t find it. after every corner I searched for it I just turn around to realize how much I messed up. I cried and cried and asked God to help me find the bag. then suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I was afraid to open the door. the knocking became harder now. I slowly walked towards the door and I started picking up my pace as the knocking did. I slowly opened the door and called out to know who was out there. nobody responded so I slowly dared to open it. the sun rays fell on me. I immediately covered my face before I could get completely blinded by the sun. and then I saw my garden. I just forgot how beautiful it looked. yes, its been a while that I came out and for a while I mean two years. the wild plants that grew among the beautiful roses and the other plants. the money plant that grew over the main gate. it was an utmost delight. I realized that I stopped crying. and this was the moment of truth. I was searching for the bag in the wrong place. I was searching it inside when it was out here all this time. my bag which was full of happiness, joy, freedom, adventure, wisdom, kindness, purity in heart. the moment I realized it I let it out. the one which was fighting with my dread for in two years. I smiled. I got up and packed my bag, but this time filled with real essentials and started out to find my bag. I was damn sure I was going to find it. I never saw the one who knocked on the door but whoever did, they knocked my sadness off and made me realize that end of the loved ones doesn’t mean the end of our life too but it is to live up to their real wish. and what could be our loved ones wish other than wanting us to be I set out to find the bag which once
my loved ones gave me.
క్లుప్తంగా దాని అర్ధం ఇది….నేను నా సంచిని పోగొట్టుకున్నాను. దాని కోసం ఏడుస్తున్నాను. ఎలాగైనా నా సంచి దొరికేలా చేయమని దేవుణ్ణి వేడుకుంటున్నాను.ఒక సంచి కోసం ఇంతలా ఏడవాల్సిన అవసరం ఏముంది అనుకుంటున్నారా ?? అందులో ఎంతో విలువైనవి ఉన్నాయి. అందుకే పిచ్చిపట్టినట్లుగా ఇల్లంతా దాని కోసం వెతుకుతున్నాను. వెనక్కి తిరిగి చుస్తే ఇల్లంతా చిందరవందరగా గందర గోళంగా ఉంది. ఈ లోపు ఎవరో ఆపకుండా గట్టిగా తలుపు తడుతున్న శబ్దం. వేగంగా వెళ్లి ఎవరు అని అడిగాను. బయట నుండి సమాధానం లేదు. తలుపు తీశాను. ఎవరూ లేరు. అప్పుడు చూశాను …ఎంత అందంగా ఉంది నా ఇంటి ముందు ఉన్న తోట గేట్ మీద అల్లుకున్న మనీ ప్లాంట్, అందంగా విచ్చుకున్న గులాబీలు. అప్పుడే నేను ఏడవడం ఆపేశాను అన్న విషయాన్ని గమనించాను. అప్పుడు ఇంకోటి కూడా గ్రహించాను నేను వెతుకుతున్న ఆ సంచి బయట ఉంటె ఇంట్లో వెతుకుతున్నాను అని. ఆనందం, స్వేచ్ఛ, సాహసం, జ్ఞానం, మంచితనం, కల్మషం లేని హృదయం ఇవన్నీ ఉన్నాయి నేను పోగొట్టుకున్న ఆ సంచిలో . ఇప్పుడు నిజంగా నాకు అవసరమైన వస్తువులతో ఒక సంచిని నింపుకుని వెళ్తతున్నాను పోగుట్టుకున్న నా సంచిని వెతకడానికి. తప్పకుండా దొరుకుతుంది. తలుపు ఎవరు కొట్టారో తెలీదు కానీ వాళ్ళు కొట్టింది కేవలం తలుపు ని మాత్రమే కాదు నాలోని దుఃఖాన్ని తరిమి కొట్టారు. మనం ప్రేమించిన వాళ్ళు చనిపోతే దానితోనే మన జీవితం ఆగిపోకూడదు అని తెలుసుకున్నాను. అందుకే ఒకప్పుడు నన్ను ప్రేమించే వారు నాకు ప్రేమగా ఇచ్చిన సంచి వెతుక్కుంటూ బయలుదేరాను.
Its an amazing shorr story. I hope this happened to you in your daily life. You story realized me that there are many things happening in my life, I can put across them in a beautiful story like you did. Thank you for the inspiration and keep going.
Thank you andi. yes, Pallavi garu…
Loved it.. I watch all ur videos..
Love ur presentation skills..
Convey my wishes to ur daughter..
Thank you so much Anusha garu…sure
Even I lost my mom when I was in tenth…I read a councillor writing to console a girl who lost her father and wrote to the newspaper saying that she want to leave this world…I got the answer within days…I changed my mind and started living for the rest of my family…..after 5 yrs I lost my brother….I stood strong beside my father…I take every chance I get to make others strong….your child did this at a very early stage of her life… I got a very good writing today which can aid me in making others strong…love u ra SAHASRA
oh, are really strong and great.. I will convey your love to Sahasra. Thank you so much…
I read almost all articles available in, after reading Sahasra’s article felt ..ur daughter have exactly like your thoughts.. I found that flavour in her story.. good write up Sahasra.. love u maa.
Thank you so much andi..
Hi dearest cute sahasra kanban…your story conclusion is amazing and involved in deep philosophy..its touched the nature and principles of the real life …wish you qll the best nanna …jyothi aunty
Hi andi…Thank you so much…I will convey her your blessings…
Nice story bindu garu convey my wishes to future writer.
Thank you so much andi…sure…
simply superb bindhu akka..”Story is short ,, but meaning is deapth… ,, Such like stories is very useful in present generation…
Thank you so much maa
Hello bindu …it’s really a beautiful story….
Past is an experience,which we should not reflect it in our present or future.We should be strong and move ourselves ahead.
Convey my best wishes to sahasra…
Good luck
Hello andi….Thank you so much. I will convey your wishes to her..
Nice story which rejoice our life’s with new energy .
Thank you
very nice story bindu.. where did u get the story? suggest me some good website for books. hope u remembered me.. i am jyothsna, big fan of BLIKEBINDU.
Thank you Jyothsna…my daughter wrote this. I used to read on Kindle. just install kindle app on your device. you can read some free e-books also. yeah I remember…Jyothsna from DUBAI.:)
Hello Bindhu,
Best wishes to the budding writer.
Looking forward to connecting with you,,,…read your story about how you gathered strength after loosing your mother. Great inspiration.
Your farm house videos and your cooking videos are class apart.
Thank you so much
A beautiful and thought provoking story..
Thank you Mrudula garu
Hi amma Bindu- only one sentence I can say- Thalliki Thagga Tanaya. Sahasra very nice name
Thank you so much andi
Very impressive, she written very well.
Thank you
Good writeup. Congratulations Sahasra n congrats to you also Bindu garu for your lovely daughter
Thank you so much
Beautiful writing. Very thought provoking and helpful to focus on the most important things in life
Thank you
Hi Sahasra,
Loved ur thoughtful short story and I hope u will write more story’s and I wish for books also from ur pen ,All the very best dear Sahara keep going and keep rocking.
Bindhu Garu meku kuda HI and thanks for sharing this story with all of us.
Thank you so much Mounika garu..
Nice story all the best to the future writer.
Thank you
Hi Mam I am your big fan
haa Narmada garu. blog visit chesara..Thank you so much dear
Short but lot of sense..very sensible…good nature of expressing thoughts and putting them into words..
Thank you so much Jaya garu